2007年5月10日 星期四





這輪比賽我隊 3:2 取勝。有位隊友卻很不幸:上場比賽她跌倒,擦傷手臂,現在還留著結焦的傷口;這次則近距離被球「省」中,球剛好擊中手腕,手腕即時腫脹需以冰敷。兩次都需提早下場到保健室,好慘。

2 則留言:

elgnachung 提到...

are u excited???????????
giegiegiegie is coming sooooooon

Unknown 提到...

eva bb : so glad to see u in the blog , i love it very much , you drop down everything that happen in ur life . Good try haha
by the way , i hv replied you in my xanga as well : u come to see see . may be kat and u and sophie and us re-u together some day . when will u come back to hk a